








1.1 These Bylaws of the Council of University System Staff are adopted according to Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution of the Council of University System Staff and are subject to amendments as provided herein, Article VII, Section 2.


2.1 Members of the Council of University System Staff are all those eligible employees designated in the Constitution; Article II, Section 1. All members are subject to the conditions stated hereafter.

2.2 Regular representation on the Council from each constituent institution is apportioned as follows: 3 Regular representatives from each institution.

2.3 Every fourth year, beginning in 1993, a committee on reapportionment shall be established by the Executive Committee. This committee shall obtain updated workforce statistics for all the constituent institutions and report its findings and resultant changes in membership that may be required to remain in compliance with Article II, Section 2 to the Executive Committee and the current Council. The Council shall receive the committee report before the end of February. Any necessary reapportionment shall occur at the start of the next term, as provided in Article II, Section 8.

2.4 New constituent institutions shall be granted representation on the Council based on the apportionment described in Article II, Section 2.

2.5 Staff at each constituent institution shall select, and designate to the Chair, alternates who shall substitute for a regular member of the Council. Alternates should be selected at the same time and in the same manner as regular members. A delegation is composed of the regular and alternate representatives. The number of alternates may not exceed the number of regular members as described in Article II, Section 2.

2.6 If any elected member is absent from two consecutive Council meetings, or a total of three Council meetings, without prior notification to the Chair, and without sending an alternate, the Executive Committee will notify the constituent institution with recommendation for replacement.

2.7 An alternate may cast a vote for an absent member provided the member has given prior notification to the Chair.

2.8 New members of the Council shall begin their terms at the August Council Meeting.


3.1 Regular Meetings. The Council shall schedule one meeting each month and may choose not to convene in July. The notice and agenda of the meeting shall be sent to the membership no later than five working days prior to each regular meeting unless otherwise approved by the Executive Committee.

3.2 Special Meetings:

(a) Special meetings of the Council may be called in any of the following ways, with the matter(s) to be considered to be specified in the call:

(1) By presiding officer of the Council:

(2) By a majority vote of the Executive Committee of the Council;

(3) By written petition of a majority of the elected members of the Council. The petition shall be delivered to the Chair. The Chair shall give notice of arrangements for the meeting within 72 hours of receipt of a valid petition; or

(4) By resolution of the Council.

(b) The notice of a special meeting shall include the agenda and shall be sent to the members of the Council as far in advance of the meeting as possible. The agenda of a special meeting may specify a scheduled time of adjournment and provide information on adjourned meetings.

(c) The scheduling of a special meeting shall depend upon the urgency of the matters specified in the call, the requirement of reasonable notice, and the availability of the membership. 3.3 Openness of Meetings and Floor Privileges:

(a) The meetings of the Council shall be open to all staff of the ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø except when the meetings are being conducted in closed session.

(b) By simple majority vote of the Council members present, the Council shall go into closed session. 3.4 Rules for Procedure:

(a) The version of Robert's Rules of Order. Council meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

(b) A quorum for meetings shall be defined as representation of a majority of the constituent institutions and a majority of Council Members or their designated alternates present.


4.1 Officers of the Council shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, elected as described in the Constitution; Article III, Section 1. Term of office for all officers is one year.

4.2 Officers shall be nominated at the April, May and June meetings and elected at the June meeting. They shall assume office at the August Council Meeting.

4.3 Officers may stand for re-election, not to exceed that member's term on the Council.

4.4 Duties of the Officers:

(a) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Council and be responsible for supervision and execution of its business, and initiation of an annual goals statement. The Chair shall serve as the chief liaison between the Chancellor and the Council and the Board of Regents and the Council. The Chair or an alternate shall attend all Board of Regents meetings.

(b) The Vice-Chair shall serve in the absence of the Chair and shall be responsible for other duties as assigned by the Council and/or Executive Committee.

(c) The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the Council and assume other duties as delegated by the Chair and/or the Executive Committee. Meetings may be recorded electronically.

4.5 In addition to these officers, the Immediate Past Chair may serve as a non-voting advisor to the Council as well as a non-voting advisor to the Executive Committee for a term not longer than one year. This advisor to the Council is non-voting and so may be from the same institution as any officer. If the Immediate Past Chair is unable to serve as this advisor, a designee of the Council may serve in this capacity.


5.1 Membership and Election:

(a) The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers as listed in Article IV, Section 1 as well as two Members of the Council who are elected at-large. Between August 1 and the first meeting of the academic year, the Executive Committee shall consist of the previous year's officers and at-large members, and the newly-elected officers.

(b) At-large members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the Council at the August meeting. Nominations for office shall be made from the floor at that meeting; voting is by ballot; each Council Member may vote for two at-large candidates. Candidates receiving a majority vote of those present shall be considered elected. Additional ballot(s) may be cast if fewer than two (2) candidates receive a majority of those votes cast. The term of office for at-large members is one year.

5.2 Duties: The Executive Committee shall:

(1) assist in implementing actions of the Council;

(2) act for the Council as provided for and subject to the limitations stated in Article V, Section 3(a,b);

(3) act as an initiating body suggesting possible action by the Council;

(4) review and report to the Council on administrative implementation of policies;

(5) prepare the agenda for each Council meeting subject to limitations stated in Article V, Section 4;

(6) serve as a channel through which any staff member of the ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø may introduce matters for consideration by the Council or its committees;

(7) advise the Chancellor or the Board of Regents on the Council's work;

(8) perform such other functions as may be given it in other provisions of the

Bylaws. 5.3 Rules Governing Executive Committee Action:

(a) Where time or availability of the membership precludes a meeting of the Council, at the request of the Chancellor, the Executive Committee shall act for the Council.

(b) A report of all actions taken by the Executive Committee when acting for the Council shall be forwarded, with supporting material, to Council Members with the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Council. By request of four Council Members, either in writing received by the Chair prior to the regular meeting or in the form of a motion with three distinct seconders, any action of the Executive Committee may be placed on the agenda of the meeting as a special order. If any such item is not petitioned to the floor in one of these two ways, it shall stand as an approved action of the Council.

5.4 Rules Governing Preparation of the Agenda:

(a) The order of business for regular meetings shall include but is not limited to the following:

(1) call to order;

(2) approval of the minutes of the previous regular meeting and other intervening special meeting(s);

(3) report of the Chair;

(4) unfinished business;

(5) reports of committees;

(6) other new business; and

(7) adjournment.

(b) For regular meetings, the Executive Committee shall consider all submissions for inclusion on the agenda. The Executive Committee may not alter a submission but may delay its inclusion, may include it on the agenda of a special meeting, may submit the material directly to a committee of the Council, or may refuse to place it on the agenda if the material is inappropriate, incomplete, or unclear. By a majority vote, the Council may place any item on its own agenda. The party making a submission shall be notified of the action taken in this regard by the Executive Committee.

(c) The order of business for a special meeting shall be as follows:

(1) call to order;

(2) statement by the Chair of the nature and origin of the call of the meeting;

(3) discussion;

(4) adjournment.

5.5 Meetings of the Executive Committee: A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be three voting members. An oral report shall be submitted as part of the report of the Executive Committee to the next regular meeting of the Council. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair or by petition of three voting members of the Executive Committee.

5.6 The Council Budget: The Secretary shall be responsible for any budget granted to the Council. The Secretary shall consult with the Executive Committee on the preparation of any budget request and shall report to the Executive Committee on the funds received. The Secretary shall make an annual report to the Council on any expenditure. Consent of the Executive Committee shall be required before any change in the budgeted use of funds involving more than ten percent of the total may be undertaken.

5.7 Referral of Items to Standing Committees: The Executive Committee shall refer items to the standing committees.

5.8 In case of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the Council shall elect a new member who will serve the remaining unexpired term.

5.9 To the extent permitted by law and University System policy, the records of the Council shall be open.


6.1 Committees:

(a) The Council may establish, but is not limited to, a standing committee structure that includes Compensation, Benefits, Community Development, and Communications committees.

6.2 Basic Charge: In its area of responsibility, each committee shall be an arm of the Council with the following powers:

(a) To review policies, procedures, plans and recommendations and their administration, and to recommend any changes in policies or their administration that may be desirable; (b) To recommend that the Executive Committee create ad hoc committees to address particular issues.

6.3 Standing Committees - Reporting Responsibilities: Each committee shall be responsible through its presiding officer for the timely delivery of reports to the Council, including a written annual report and oral presentation to be presented at the June meeting. A report may be presented at each Council meeting.

6.4 Any dissenting member of a committee may include a minority statement.

6.5 Standing Committees--Selecting Members: Persons may be named to standing committees in accordance with the procedures listed below:

(a) The Executive Committee shall solicit statements from members of the Council indicating the committee on which they would prefer to serve. Both the interests of the staff and the needs of the committee will be considered. To ensure adequate representation on the standing committees, Council members of each standing committee may be appointed by the Executive Committee, when necessary.

(b) Standing committee terms shall be for one year with eligibility for re-appointment. Terms begin at the August meeting.

(c) If necessary, Committee Chairs may select additional non-Council members to serve, subject to Article VI, Section 5(d,e). Committee Chairs shall be elected by the committee.

(d) Standing Committees shall consist of an appropriate number of members, with the majority including the Chair, being Council members.

(e) All appointments of the Executive Committee and committee Chairs are subject to review of the Council.

6.6 Ad Hoc Committees: The Chair of the Executive Committee may establish special ad hoc committees. These committees shall have specific tasks and shall operate only for the time required to complete the charged task. The Council, by majority vote of those present, may charge the Chair to establish a special committee.

(a) Ad Hoc Committee Appointments: Appointment to a committee formed by and for the Council shall continue until the completion of the committee's purpose, but should not under any circumstances continue for more than six months beyond the end of the member's term. If the committee is expected to convene beyond the six-month period, another Council Member shall be appointed to replace the outgoing member immediately. Both members shall attend as many meetings as deemed necessary to ensure a smooth transition for the new appointee.


7.1 Adoption:

(a) The Bylaws shall be presented to the Council for discussion and voted on at the next meeting, which must be at least 20 calendar days later.

(b) The Bylaws shall be adopted by an absolute majority vote of the Council with a majority of the constituent institutions present.

7.2 Amendments:

(a) Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by any Council Member and submitted in writing to the Chair according to Article VII, Section 2(b).

(b) Proposed amendments shall be distributed to the Council at least 10 calendar days prior to the meeting at which they will be discussed. A vote may not occur until at least twenty (20) calendar days after it was introduced to the Council.

(c) Approval of an amendment requires an absolute majority vote of the members of the Council with a majority of the constituent institutions present.


adopted 4/2000, rev 10/2010, rev 7/2022