Fiscal 2004
  Final   Recommended Change
  FY 2003 FY 2004 Amount %
Post Graduate Program        
In-State Tuition 11,194 13,759 2,565 22.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 22,432 25,653 3,221 14.4%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 62 62 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State Post Graduate Program 11,805 14,409 2,604 22.1%
Total Out-of-State Post Graduate Program 23,043 26,303 3,260 14.1%
Tuition per Credit Hour        
Graduate - Masters        
In-State Tuition 308 365 57 18.5%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 655 104 18.9%
Technology Fee - per credit hour 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 45 46 1 2.2%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 432 450 18 4.2%
Graduate - Ph D        
In-State Tuition 308 314 6 1.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 562 11 2.0%
Technology Fee - per credit hour 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 45 46 1 2.2%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 432 450 18 4.2%
Dental Hygiene - Undergraduate        
In-State Tuition 226 266 40 17.7%
Out-of-State Tuition 337 399 62 18.4%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 45 45 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 432 449 17 3.9%
DDS Program        
In-State Tuition 12,548 14,755 2,207 17.6%
Out-of-State Tuition 26,921 30,791 3,870 14.4%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 62 62 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State DDS Program 13,159 15,405 2,246 17.1%
Total Out-of-State DDS Program 27,532 31,441 3,909 14.2%
Dental Hygiene - undergraduate        
In-State Tuition 3,709 3,850 141 3.8%
Out-of-State Tuition 11,609 12,065 456 3.9%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 62 62 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State Dental Hygiene 4,320 4,500 180 4.2%
Total Out-of-State Dental Hygiene 12,220 12,715 495 4.1%
Day Division        
In-State Tuition 12,124 14,585 2,461 20.3%
Out-of-State Tuition 23,403 25,864 2,461 10.5%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 52 52 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State Day Division 12,725 15,225 2,500 19.6%
Total Out-of-State Day Division 24,004 26,504 2,500 10.4%
Evening Division        
In-State Tuition 9,037 10,909 1,872 20.7%
Out-of-State Tuition 17,491 19,369 1,878 10.7%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 36 36 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State Evening Division 9,622 11,533 1,911 19.9%
Total Out-of-State Evening Division 18,076 19,993 1,917 10.6%
Tuition per Credit Hour        
Day & Evening Division        
In-State Tuition 429 463 34 7.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 832 904 72 8.7%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities - Day 52 52 0 0.0%
Student Activities - Evening 36 36 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees Day Division 439 456 17 3.9%
Total Fees Evening Division 423 440 17 4.0%
M.D. Program        
In-State Tuition 15,453 17,493 2,040 13.2%
Out-of-State Tuition 29,573 32,558 2,985 10.1%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 78 78 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State MD Program 16,080 18,159 2,079 12.9%
Total Out-of-State MD Program 30,200 33,224 3,024 10.0%
Medical & Research Technology - Undergraduate        
In-State Tuition 5,230 5,688 458 8.8%
Out-of-State Tuition 11,908 12,617 709 6.0%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 46 46 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State Medical & Research Technology 5,825 6,322 497 8.5%
Total Out-of-State Medical & Research Technology 12,503 13,251 748 6.0%
Medical & Research Technology - Post Baccalaureate        
In-State Tuition 6,338 7,154 816 12.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 13,016 14,316 1,300 10.0%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 46 46 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State Medical & Research Technology 6,933 7,788 855 12.3%
Total Out-of-State Medical & Research Technology 13,611 14,950 1,339 9.8%
Medical & Research Technology - Graduate        
In-State Tuition 319 360 41 12.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 567 624 57 10.1%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 n/a
Transportation 28 28 0 n/a
Student Activities 46 46 0 n/a
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 n/a
Total Fees: 433 450 17 n/a
Physical Therapy - Masters        
In-State Tuition 333 346 13 3.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 593 617 24 4.0%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 46 46 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total Fees: 485 524 39 8.0%
Physical Therapy - Doctorate        
In-State Tuition 333 346 13 3.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 593 617 24 4.0%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 46 46 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 433 450 17 3.9%
Master's Genetic Counseling        
In-State Tuition 8,455 9,114 659 7.8%
Out-of-State Tuition 14,418 15,557 1,139 7.9%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 46 46 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State Genetic Counseling 9,050 9,748 698 7.7%
Total Out-of-State Genetic Counseling 15,013 16,191 1,178 7.8%
Graduate - Masters        
In-State Tuition 308 365 57 18.5%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 655 104 18.9%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 46 46 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 433 450 17 3.9%
Graduate - Ph D        
In-State Tuition 308 314 6 1.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 562 11 2.0%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 46 46 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 433 450 17 3.9%
Medical Research Technology - Undergraduate        
In-State Tuition 226 266 40 17.7%
Out-of-State Tuition 337 399 62 18.4%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 46 46 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 433 450 17 3.9%
In-State Tuition 5,225 6,104 879 16.8%
Out-of-State Tuition 13,263 15,673 2,410 18.2%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 41 41 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State School of Nursing 5,815 6,733 918 15.8%
Total Out-of-State School of Nursing 13,853 16,302 2,449 17.7%
Tuition per Credit Hour        
Graduate - Masters        
In-State Tuition 308 365 57 18.5%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 655 104 18.9%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 45 46 1 2.2%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 432 450 18 4.2%
Tuition per Credit Hour        
Graduate - Ph D        
In-State Tuition 308 314 6 1.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 562 11 2.0%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 45 46 1 2.2%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 432 450 18 4.2%
Tuition per Credit Hour        
In-State Tuition 226 266 40 17.7%
Out-of-State Tuition 337 399 62 18.4%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 41 41 0 0.0%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 428 445 17 4.0%
Pharmacy D Program        
In-State Tuition 8,465 9,773 1,308 15.5%
Out-of-State Tuition 17,485 20,444 2,959 16.9%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 52 54 2 3.8%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State School of Pharm D Program 9,066 10,415 1,349 14.9%
Total Out-of-State School of Pharm D Program 18,086 21,086 3,000 16.6%
Tuition per Credit Hour        
Graduate - Masters        
In-State Tuition 308 365 57 18.5%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 655 104 18.9%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 45 46 1 2.2%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 432 450 18 4.2%
Graduate - Ph D        
In-State Tuition 308 314 6 1.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 562 11 2.0%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 45 46 1 2.2%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 432 450 18 4.2%
Non-Traditional/Pharm D        
In-State Tuition 330 380 50 15.2%
Out-of-State Tuition 593 694 101 17.0%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 52 54 2 3.8%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 439 458 19 4.3%
Master's Programs        
In-State Tuition 6,421 7,347 926 14.4%
Out-of-State Tuition 14,310 16,699 2,389 16.7%
Technology Fee 120 120 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 44 50 6 13.6%
Supporting Facilities 386 425 39 10.1%
Total In-State School of Social Work 7,014 7,985 971 13.8%
Total Out-of-State School of Social Work 14,903 17,337 2,434 16.3%
Tuition per Credit Hour- Masters        
In-State Tuition 308 365 57 18.5%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 655 104 18.9%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 45 46 1 2.2%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 432 450 18 4.2%
Total Fees: Summer Program 49 52 3 6.1%
Tuition per Credit Hour- Ph D        
In-State Tuition 308 314 6 1.9%
Out-of-State Tuition 551 562 11 2.0%
Technology Fee 10 10 0 0.0%
Auxiliary Fees - Flat Rate:        
Student Government Association 15 15 0 0.0%
Transportation 28 28 0 0.0%
Student Activities 45 46 1 2.2%
Supporting Facilities 334 351 17 5.1%
Total Fees: 432 450 18 4.2%
Total Fees: Summer Program 49 52 3 6.1%

Assumes part-time fees are per credit hour unless otherwise noted as a flat rate.

"NOTE: Notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other University (College) publication, the University (College) reserves the right to make changes in tuition, fees, and other charges at any time such changes are deemed necessary by the University (College) and the University System of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Board of Regents."