(Approved by the Board of Regents, June 21, 1990)
1. The Chancellor or designee shall ensure that proxies of all
investment securities represented in the University of
ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø System investment portfolio are voted on a timely
basis. Because it is assumed that a decision to invest in a
particular company is based on the belief that management of
that company is sound and is performing well, proxies of that
company shall generally be voted in accordance with
management's recommendations.
2. Notwithstanding the above, when voting proxies the Chancellor
or designee shall recognize issues of corporate social
responsibility which include, but are not limited to, those
concerned with:
a. protection of the environment;
b. occupation and health standards;
c. consumer protection;
d. equal employment opportunity;
e. human rights; and
f. respect for national and international law intended
to promote these concepts.
3. The Chancellor or designee shall distribute to the Finance
Committee each month a report of proxies voted. The report
shall describe the proposal and identify how the proposal was
voted. The report shall highlight the proxies voted against
management's recommendations and the proxies voted which
concerned an issue of social responsibility.
Replacement for: BOR V - 1.10; BOR V - 1.20.