Recipients of 2012 Board of Regents Staff Awards Announced

Adelphi, Md. (Sept. 28, 2012) -- ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø (ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø) Board of Regents Chairman James L. Shea and ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Chancellor William E. Kirwan honored winners of the 2012 ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Regents' Staff Awards at a breakfast ceremony before today's board meeting at Bowie State University.

The awards recognize staff members who have made exceptional contributions to their organizations, students and the university community.

Award winners are selected based on nominations and letters of support from colleagues, culminating in a formal recommendation from the Council of University System Staff, which provides non-faculty ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø employees with a voice in system governance.

Each award carries a $1,000 prize, provided by the institutions and the University System of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Foundation.


The following ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø staff members were honored:

Regents' Staff Award for Outstanding Service to Students in an Academic or Residential Environment


Tracy Miller, Academic Advisor in the Division of Academic Affairs at Towson University.  

Tragically, Ms. Miller's son was killed in combat in Fallujah, Iraq.  Out of that terrible tragedy, Tracy helped lead the charge to create and fund a Towson University Veterans Center, took the lead in writing a grant proposal to expand the services of the Veterans Center, and established a scholarship to assist veterans that now has a $70,000 endowment and awards two scholarships annually.   She has shown an extraordinary commitment to the men and women who have served our nation.


Patricia Baker of the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at the University of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø, College Park's (UMCP) A. James Clark School of Engineering. 

Ms. Baker has served the UMCP community for more than three decades, mostly in support of graduate programs in the School of Engineering.  A stand-out example of her commitment came in 2010, when the volcanic eruption in Iceland disrupted air travel, stranding several faculty members in Europe.  Pat was the key point of contact for faculty and students, providing information and alternatives in a period of tremendous uncertainty and anxiety.




Regents' Staff Award for Exceptional Contribution to the Institution or Unit


Arlene Wergin, Director of International Education Services at the University of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø, Baltimore County (UMBC). 

Ms. Wergin's career at UMBC started 22 years ago, when she was selected to develop the school's first IES office.  The Study Abroad program has flourished under her leadership, tripling in size over the past 10 years.  IES staff now facilitates international learning experience for 200 UMBC students each year.  The development, growth, and success of the IES office have been critical to UMBC's classification as a research university and its recognition as a diverse institution with an international perspective.


Janet Magruder, Business Manager of the Center for Art Design and Visual Culture (CADVC), also at UMBC.

Thirteen years ago, when Ms. Magruder was named business manager for both the CADVC and the Imaging Research Center, both centers were new.  Her efforts to develop and implement the administrative procedures, budgetary structure, and internal policies are what sustained these two important centers and has allowed them to flourish.  In addition, she has been a leader in developing and improving the Shared Governance approach that defines UMBC.




Regents' Staff Award for Extraordinary Public Service to the University or to the Greater Community


Ann Townsell, Assistant Director of Publications, Communications, and Media Relations at Frostburg State University (FSU).

In addition to excelling at her professional duties promoting FSU events as assistant director of publications, Ms. Townsell has reached well beyond campus into the community.  She has been on the Board of Directors of the Allegany Arts Council for eleven years, with past service as both vice president and president.  She is founding chair of the nationally-recognized Will's Creek Survey art exhibit.  She also volunteers her time as official photographer of the FSU Appalachian Festival.


Gail Price, Benefits Specialist in the Office of Human Resources at Towson University.

In addition to her primary responsibilities, Ms. Price's outreach into the community is extraordinary. She manages all TU Red Cross blood drives; coordinates volunteers and oversees set-up for university sponsored flu clinics; is active with efforts to assist returning Disabled Veterans; and is an active supporter of Partners in Academic and Life Success (PALS), an after-school, weekend, and summer program for at-risk adolescents in the Cherry Hill community of Baltimore City.




Regents' Staff Award for Effectiveness and Efficiency/Administrative Transformation


Mary Murrel, Assistant Director for Administration in the Information and Systems Technology Department of the Graduate School at University of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø University College (UMUC).

Ms. Murrel created a voluntary tutoring program for what is-according to students-one of the most quantitative and difficult programs in the Graduate School.  On her own initiative, she devised a low-cost, low-risk means to provide much needed academic support to students challenged by the subject matter in Technology Management (TMAN) 625.  With the assistance of faculty, she identified a cadre of former students who had received A's in TMAN 625, to serve as tutors in an entirely voluntary capacity.  Hired under a standard rate, this would have cost UMUC more than $10,000.

Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719