
University of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Study

Our Mission

A message from the Chancellor

ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Chancellor Jay Perman
Confronting the COVID-19 pandemic—innovating ways to inhibit disease transmission and improve treatment—requires unprecedented focus, expertise, and coordination. It’s exactly the kind of work the ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø (ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø) was built to do. The ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø is home to a world-class academic medical center, to leading health sciences schools, and to nationally renowned programs in computing, engineering, public health, and public policy.

Across the system, projects are already underway to advance the discovery and development of solutions and to shape our state and national policy response. The ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø COVID Research & Innovation Task Force will allow us to coordinate these projects, to leverage each institution’s expertise and assets, to target resources, and to engage with business and industry to bring our work to scale and get our ideas into the marketplace and into established practice. Ultimately, it’s through this collaboration that we’ll meet the grave health and economic challenges associated with COVID-19.

Innovation is what the ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø does. But we can do it bigger, better, and stronger if we do it together. The system’s full power must be engaged at this critical moment in time to serve ϡȱÁÔÆæÍøers and save lives.

Sincerely, Jay A. Perman, MD
Chancellor, ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø

Mission & Goals

The ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø COVID Research and Innovation Task Force is leading a systemwide initiative to identify and advance the most promising research at our 12 universities with the potential to address challenges presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic.  The Task Force will bring together ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø people, expertise, and resources to rapidly advance and scale solutions to the current pandemic and future crises.

The overall effort will be facilitated by the University of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Strategic Partnership, an alliance formed in 2012 between the University of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø, Baltimore, and the University of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø, College Park, to speed innovation in education, research, and technology commercialization.

The Task Force will focus on four strategic activities:

  • Mobilize resources for positive impact, including research activities and support for front-line health care workers.
  • Prepare the ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø long-term to address future pandemics and other crises.
  • Expand awareness of the system’s research and innovation centered on COVID-19.
  • Foster both internal and external research and development (R&D) collaborations.

ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Covid Response Taskforce Logo
Connect and Collaborate with
ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Experts and Institutions


ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø experts seek opportunities to collaborate on solutions to the COVID-19 crisis. Now more than ever, partnership is critical.
To make a connection, use the contact form or email covidsolutions@usmd.edu.

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