
ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Community College Transfer Students by Student Level

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ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Community College Transfer Students by Student Level
FY 2014 - 2023 Cohorts
All Transfer Students
Sending Institution Type FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2014 - 2023
Blank header for sending institution type # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total # of Transfers % of Total
1,605 14%1,606 14%1,658 14%1,770 15%1,565 13%1,626 14%1,395 12%1,275 12%1,137 11%1,080 12%-33%
4,075 36%4,024 35%3,913 34%4,215 35%4,207 34%4,035 35%3,899 35%3,486 32%2,971 30%2,664 29%-35%
5,150 46%5,435 47%5,562 48%5,692 47%5,938 48%5,494 47%5,417 49%5,562 51%5,404 54%4,992 55%-3%
282 3%413 4%292 3%353 3%405 3%358 3%310 3%295 3%315 3%292 3%4%
Unclassified - UG
70 1%125 1%119 1%124 1%141 1%163 1%146 1%191 2%100 1%87 1%24%
Total Transfers
11,182 100%11,603 100%11,544 100%12,154 100%12,256 100%11,676 100%11,167 100%10,809 100%9,927 100%9,115 100%-18%

Note: Transfers are the number of undergraduates enrolled for the first time at the institution with known prior undergraduate post-secondary experience. The students may or may not transfer credit.

Source: ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Institutional Research Information System
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