ࡱ> NPMq (bjbjt+t+ %XAAt]\\\\\\\pppp8p("z||||||$k_ \\\\\zpp\\\\zdz\\zp$iSppzATTRIBUTE NAMELDAP ATTRIBUTE NAMEATTRIBUTE CHARACTERISTICSATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONATTRIBUTE VALUESAffiliationeduPersonAffiliation (defined in eduPerson)Multi Value PublicSpecifies the persons relationship(s) to the institution in broad categories.Examples: student, undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty, staff, alumnus, employee, member, affiliate (Note: The vocabulary of this attribute is restricted; any other affiliations must be called out in a local attrinute.)Primary Affiliation (OPTIONAL)eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation (defined in eduPerson)Single Value PublicSpecifies the persons PRIMARY relationship to the institution in broad categories.Same as the Affiliation attribute.Campus AddresspostalAddress (defined in orgPerson)Single Value Multi-line: delimited by new line $. PublicCampus or office postal addressExample: P.O. Box 333$Whoville, WH 99999Permanent Address PermanentAddressSingle Value Multi-line: delimited by new line $. Public, depending on Confidentiality flagsFor students, often the parents address but may be a copy of the HomeAddress. For employees, usually the same as the Campus Address.Example: 123 Main St.$Whoville, WH 99999 ATTRIBUTE NAMELDAP ATTRIBUTE NAMEATTRIBUTE CHARACTERISTICSATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONATTRIBUTE VALUESHome AddresshomePostalAddress (defined in inetOrgPerson)Single Value Multi-line: delimited by new line $. Public, depending on Confidentiality flagsHome postal addressExample: 1212 Como Ave.$Midton, SD 45621Common Full Namecn (defined in object class person)Multi Value PublicX.500 commonName attribute, which contains a name of an object. If the object corresponds to a person, it is typically the persons full name.Example: Mary Francis XavierSurnamesn (defined in object class person)Single Value PublicX.500 surname attribute, which contains the family name of the personExample: CarsonFirst NamegivenName (defined in inetOrgPerson)Single Value Public The persons first nameExample: StephenDisplay NamedisplayName (defined in inetOrgPerson)Single Value PublicPreferred name of the person to use for displayExample: Jack DoughertyNick Name eduPersonNickname (defined in eduPerson)Multi Value PublicPersons nickname or informal name.Example: SpikeSocial Security NumberSSN Single Value PrivateSocial Security NumberExample: 123456789 ATTRIBUTE NAMELDAP ATTRIBUTE NAMEATTRIBUTE CHARACTERISTICSATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONATTRIBUTE VALUESOrganization Distinguished NameeduPersonOrgDN (defined in eduPerson)Single Value PublicThe distinguished name (DN) of the directory entry representing the institution with which the person is associatedExample: o=Hogwarts, dc=hsww, dc=wizOrganizational Unit Distinguished NameeduPersonOrgUnitDN (defined in eduPerson)Multi Value PublicThe distinguished name(s) of the directory entries representing the persons Organizational Unit(s).Example: ou=people, o=University of ϡȱ, dc=umd,dc=eduNet IDeduPersonPrincipalName (defined in eduPerson)Single Value PublicThe NetID of the person for the purposes of inter-institutional authentication. Should be stored in the form of  HYPERLINK "mailto:user@univ.edu" user@univ.edu, where univ.edu is the name of the local security domain.Example: esorin@umd.eduUser IDuid (defined in inetOrgPerson)Single Value PublicIdentifies the user ID, usually the login IDExample: EsorinElectronic Mail Addressmail (defined in inetOrgPerson)Single Value (though, inetOrgPerson defines this as Multi Value) PublicPreferred address for emailExample: esorin@umd.eduϡȱ NetIDϡȱPersonPrincipalIDSingle Value PublicA unique value assigned upon entry to ϡȱ directoryExample: esorin@umd.edu ATTRIBUTE NAMELDAP ATTRIBUTE NAMEATTRIBUTE CHARACTERISTICSATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONATTRIBUTE VALUESCampus NetIDNetIDSingle Value PublicCombination of uid and campus designationExample:  HYPERLINK "mailto:esorin@umd.edu" esorin@umd.eduDepartmentdepartmentNumber (defined in inetOrgPerson)Multi Value PublicCode for the department to which a person belongsExamples: 43001345, ABC/123Room NumberroomNumber (defined in inetOrgPerson)Multi Value PublicThe office room numberExample: 1234Telephone NumbertelephoneNumber (defined in object class person)Single Value Public, depending on Confidentiality flagsOffice or campus phone number. Attribute values should follow the agreed format for international telephone numbersExample: +1 212 555 1234Home Telephone NumberHomePhone (defined in inetOrgPerson)Single Value Public, depending on Confidentiality flagsHome Phone number.Example: +1 410 555 1212Permanent Telephone NumberPermanentPhoneSingle Value Public, depending on Confidentiality flagsFor students, usually the parents number. For employees, usually the office phone number.Example: +1 212 555 1234Titletitle (defined in orgPerson)Multi Value PublicDesignated position or function of the individualExample: Assistant Vice PresidentMajorMajorSingle Value (though could be Multi Value) PrivateThe students majorExamples: ENGL, CS ATTRIBUTE NAMELDAP ATTRIBUTE NAMEATTRIBUTE CHARACTERISTICSATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONATTRIBUTE VALUESLast Semester of EligibilityLastTermEligSingle Value PublicIndicates the last semester the student was eligible to register for classes. This attribute is used along with the Last Term Registered attribute. Represented as YYYYMM.Example: 200601Last Term RegisteredLastTermRegSingle Value PublicIndicates the last term the student registered for classes.Example: 200308FERPA FlagBuckleySingle Value Public (though maybe should be private)The field indicates the students selection of information hiding. 00 is no restrictions; 01 is hide the name and phone number; 02 is hide all directory information; 03 is hide everythingExample: 01Public Information FlagConfidentialSingle Value PublicIf this field exists, the minimum of information will be made public.Example: TRUEAddress Confidentiality FlagAddressConfidentialSingle Value PrivateIf this field is unset, the postal address will be publicExample: FALSEPhone Confidentiality FlagPhoneConfidentialSingle Value PublicIf this field exists, the home phone value will be kept private.Example: TRUETermination DateTerminationDateSingle Value PublicIndicates the date the employee left the university. Represented as YYYYMMDD.Example: 20031122 Campus Enterprise Directory Required Attributes for People Entries PAGE  PAGE 5 LAST UPDATE: 11-20-03 cpopt"  - >  ] wx g|}XbIN?<LjU0JjU jUCJCJB* 5B*>*B*B*565R #-=GR\cdpoQ$$l tr!s,4@  $$$    - ? Z g  + 7 >  % , r | ' 4 ; k t    ( 0 G Z [ ] g l {   a#:GN,3S\|x$Q$$l tr!s,4@  |} $ !$Q$$l tr!s,4@       $$$Q$$l tr!s,4@    - ? 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