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GALLO (Approved by the Board of Regents on June 19, 2009) WHEREAS, the Board of Regents approved the transfer of the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) from the University of ЯЁШБСдЦцЭј Biotechnology Institute (UMBI) to the University of ЯЁШБСдЦцЭј School of Medicine (UMSOM) within the University of ЯЁШБСдЦцЭј Baltimore (UMB) on December 1, 2006 and recognized that the IHV would retain Institute status within UMSOM; and WHEREAS, the Board of Regents has delegated to the Chancellor the authority to finalize and execute a Memorandum of Understanding relating to academic, administrative, fiscal and facilities issues involved in the relocation; and WHEREAS, the Chancellor in carrying out this delegation relied on IHV and UMSOM and UMB to come to agreement on the details related to these issues; and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated January 28, 2007 was signed by the President of UMB and the Chancellor concerning the final financial transactions and space allocation agreements between UMBI and UMB; and WHEREAS, an accompanying document identified as a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Organizational Move of the Institute of Human Virology to the University of ЯЁШБСдЦцЭј School of Medicine was signed by Robert C. Gallo, M.D. for the IHV and by E. Albert Reece, M.D., Ph.D, M.B.A for the UMSOM on January 9, 2007, and accepted by David Ramsay, D.M., D. Phil, President of UMB on February 6, 2007, and by William E. Kirwan, Ph. D, Chancellor of the ЯЁШБСдЦцЭј on February 7, 2007 and was subsequently approved; and WHEREAS, the IHV and Dr. Gallo have committed to remain at UMB; and WHEREAS, IHV and Dr. Gallo on the one hand and UMB and UMSOM on the other have reached an agreement to amend the 2007 MOU, as memorialized in an amended MOU dated June 17, 2009 and which contains new agreements and understandings related to IHV financial support; faculty appointments and tenure for IHV personnel; grant administration and financial management; the naming of and support of the IHV; IHV organizational structure; UMSOM financial support of the IHV animal facility; allocation of space in the Medical Research Facility; successorship; IHV’s international activities; endowed professorships for the Director and Associate Directors of IHV; the enhancement of clinical research by IHV; the management of animal research at IHV and other related and similar issues; and WHEREAS, the Board of Regents appreciates the significance of the research activities of Dr. Gallo and IHV with their outstanding contributions to the State and fully supports and endorses the efforts of Governor O’Malley, ЯЁШБСдЦцЭј, UMB and UMSOM to continue Dr. Gallo’s and IHV’s presence in the State; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Board of Regents endorses the actions taken by UMB through its President and by UMSOM through its Dean and by the Chancellor as memorialized in an amendment dated June 17, 2009 to the existing 2007 MOU between IHV and UMB and UMSOM; and 2. That the Board of Regents recognizes that the Dean of UMSOM, the President of UMB and the Chancellor have the authority to conduct these negotiations, to reach agreements with Dr. Gallo and IHV as memorialized in the amendment dated June 17, 2009 to the existing 2007 MOU; and 3. That the Board of Regents expresses its appreciation to Dr. Gallo for his outstanding contributions to the State and also expresses its appreciation to Governor O’Malley, Dr. Reece and Dr. Ramsay for their successful efforts to retain Dr. Gallo and the IHV in ЯЁШБСдЦцЭј.     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