

Course Redesign    

UMBC Course Redesign in STEM Disciplines

Curricular transformation/innovation in STEM takes several forms. Among the many courses being redesigned at UMBC, the Departments of Biological Sciences and Mathematics and Statistics have redesigned courses based on the pedagogical model known as Team-Based Learning (TBL). TBL is a specifically structured format that promotes student learning and self-efficacy through frequent readiness quizzes (both individual and team-based) and team projects and applications. Departments in the College of Engineering and Information Technology (e.g., Computer Science; Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering; and Mechanical Engineering) have redesigned courses to use more collaborative learning or TBL or experiential learning. Some courses in STEM also involve “flipping” the classroom --providing first exposure to course content through on-line resources and devoting class time more effectively to collaborative and individual problem solving. In introductory chemistry, for example, students prepare for class using various web-based tutorials. Students then explore these ideas more deeply during interactive lectures and sessions in the Chemistry Discovery Center. In the Center, a collaborative learning space, students work in groups to solve problems that promote teamwork, develop good study skills, and allow them to practice critical-thinking.

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