
Past Events

This session is an overview of the landscape of OER providers and tips for how to navigate and evaluate options.

Research has shown the importance of feedback for student learning. However, text-heavy feedback can present challenges for both students and instructors. Fortunately, providing video feedback to your online students using free screencasting tools is both achievable and effective. Attend this 90-minute webinar to learn the whys and hows of screencasting and come away with a plan to enhance your online or blended courses with video feedback right away.

The prevalence of students with mental health disorders has been on the rise for years. These individuals are on community college campuses and online, and many are not getting treatment because of stigma, financial concerns, or just not being able to recognize that what they are experiencing is a mental health disorder. This session will discuss how to recognize students who may be struggling with their mental health, how to respond appropriately, and how to refer them for additional support.
