

Digital Accessibility    
October 5, 2022

NFB-MDTAP Resource Guide for Accessible Classrooms

Resource Guide for Making an Accessible Classroom

This resource guide was created for ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø institutions in support of the digital accessibility goals. For more information or resources, please contact the MDOD IT Access Initiative via email at: mdod.nva@maryland.gov or via their website .

The Center for Excellence in Nonvisual Access of the National Federation of the Blind is an excellent resource for learning more about nonvisual accessibility.  They can be contacted at access@nfb.org.

Most laws and guidelines in place are built on the international standards, known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).  The explanation of these standards and the various versions and upcoming updates can be found on the .

Document Accessibility

These resources should help consumers learn the requirements and techniques for making various electronic documents accessible for both Microsoft Office and Adobe PDF.

Video & Audio Accessibility

The first two links will give instructions as to what is needed for content to be considered accessible.  3PlayMedia has a free checklist available for ensuring new content meets these standards.  The Audio Description Project has several links for learning how audio description is created and offered.


General Accessibility Questions

ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Department of Disabilities

MDOD has other resources listed for any questions regarding digital accessibility and offers monthly webinars on various digital accessibility topics.  The ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Assistive Technology Program (MDTAP) is also a great resource for learning more about types of assistive technology and seeing demonstrations.

National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Accessibility hosts a variety of programs each month, called Accessibility Boutiques, which cover a wide array of topics from document and web accessibility basics to evaluation of educational technologies and other productivity software. You can learn more about them at www.nfb.org/cena. The Accessibility Switchboard provides a variety of resources and guides for learning about many areas of accessibility: www.accessibilityswitchboard.org.

Download a copy of this guide