

September 17, 2021

Supporting High-Enrollment Courses

A Guide for Implementing Adaptive Courseware: From Planning through Scaling | Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities
High-enrollment courses – whether large, lecture style courses or multi-section courses – can benefit from the use of adaptive learning technologies, which help deliver a personalized learning experience to each student. One of the most promising forms of adaptive technology is adaptive courseware. Adaptive courseware is a digital instruction tool that includes instructional content and assessment that is scoped and sequenced to support an entire course.

Implementing adaptive courseware can be a significant undertaking. This guide aims to help institutions navigate the process by providing:

  • A logical process for implementation, organized into six phases,
  • Specific resources and activities to help institutions navigate each phase,
  • Guidance on how to build support for the initiative and how to involve key stakeholders in the implementation process, and
  • Case studies from partner institutions that demonstrate important takeaways.

| Educause Review
Charles Dziuban and Connie Johnson Addresses challenges related to faculty student interaction, the transformation of faculty roles, and the transformation of student roles in an adaptive learning context.

| EdSurge
A resource tool where faculty can use filters to create a shortlist of courseware products that fit their unique instructional goals.