

September 17, 2021

Ensuring Equity and Inclusion

Diverse Education

Sara Weissman

Discusses a  designed to help faculty across disciplines in building an anti-racist pedagogy through instructor reflection, clear communication guidelines, and inquiry-based discussion. Includes sections on what is anti-racist pedagogy and shaping a holistically anti-racist classroom.

 | Indiana University, Bloomington

Jessica Calarco 

The uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic are creating tremendous challenges for students, and especially students from vulnerable and marginalized groups. If we fail to support students through these challenges, we risk exacerbating inequalities on campus and making students' trauma worse. As educators, then, we have a responsibility to teach for equity and with empathy. This webinar highlights what that approach looks like in practice, with concrete recommendations for administrators and for instructors teaching on campus and online.

| Association of College and University Educators

Developed in collaboration with Dr. Marlo Goldstein Hode, Senior Manager, Strategic Diversity Initiatives, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, University of Missouri-St. Louis
By implementing inclusive teaching practices, faculty create learning environments where all students feel they belong and have the opportunity to achieve at high levels. The Inclusive Teaching Practices Toolkit includes videos and downloadable planning guides that can be immediately put to use to benefit faculty and their students. These practices are tailored for online teaching but are also relevant to the physical classroom.

| The Chronicle of Higher Education
At a time when the nation is in the throes of both a movement for racial justice and a raging pandemic that is disproportionately affecting people of color, what can leaders across higher education learn from minority-serving institutions, especially in terms of supporting students and becoming more inclusive? The Chronicle brought together presidents who hailed from historically black institutions, a tribal college, and community colleges serving Hispanic and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander students for a discussion around how they’re prioritizing the academic success, basic needs, and activism of students of color.

| The Chronicle of Higher Education
Flower Darby
Provides an overview of two frameworks for creating online or hybrid courses with an ethos of inclusion and equity embedded throughout: Universal Design Learning and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.

| Peralta Colleges
Includes an equity rubric and online equity training (Canvas Commons) to help faculty address learning equity in their online courses. The training outlines each criterion, provides examples of what the equity criteria looks like in an online course, and offers guidance to faculty in each area.