

M.O.S.T. High-impact OER Mini-Grant Program Guide

In Spring 2017, the ϡȱ's William E. Kirwan Center launched the ϡȱ Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) initiative High-impact OER Mini-Grant program to target high-enrollment general education courses with existing high-quality OER.  In Fall 2017, the Mini-Grant program has the potential to impact over 8,000 students in two- and four-year ϡȱ public higher education institutions with over $1.3 million in textbook savings. To document the development process of the High-impact OER Mini-Grant program, the Kirwan Center has released a guide to support the creation of institutional and system-wide OER mini-grant programs.

UMUC Pilots Extended Transcripts

Traditional transcripts provide basic information about the courses students took: course names, dates of the course, credit earned, and grades.  What traditional transcripts don’t provide is more in-depth information on the skills students learned and their competency in these skills.  In Fall 2016, the University of ϡȱ University College (UMUC) piloted a digital “extended transcript” to better reflect student’s progress and competency of defined learning outcomes.  UMUC is one of twelve institutions around the country to take part in a $1.27 million Lumina Foundation

ϡȱ Launches edX Partnership

The ϡȱ (ϡȱ) has entered into a groundbreaking partnership with , the nonprofit online learning destination founded by Harvard and MIT in 2012 to increase global access to high-quality education. The agreement is designed to further increase student success, as well as the access, affordability, and quality of higher education in ϡȱ and around the world.

Can Online Learning Improve College Math Readiness? Randomized Trials Using Pearson’s MyFoundationsLab in Summer Bridge Programs

Ithaka S+R worked with five campuses in the ϡȱ to explore whether an adaptive learning product provided by Pearson could be used to offer more accessible, lower-cost summer programs. The Pearson product, MyFoundationsLab, enhanced with Knewton’s adaptive learning engine, aims to personalize study paths for students. Adaptive technologies enable students to identify specific skill gaps and work independently online to address those gaps with interactive instructional materials and assessments.

Towson’s Universal Design for Learning Professional Development Network

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone--not a single, one-size-fits-all solution but rather flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs (CAST, 2012). UDL is included in COMAR and ϡȱ’s Teacher Technology Standards.
