

September 17, 2021

Accommodating Studio Courses

| Princeton University
Like labs, studio courses typically rely on experiential learning. If social distancing is required, you may have to modify or eliminate collaborative or small group activities. If in-person classes are suspended, you may need to postpone certain activities until later in the term. However, Zoom and other web conferencing tools do allow for exchange and collaboration. For instance, you might segment a rehearsal, building in opportunities for response and feedback. For instructions on how to use Zoom, see .

Also, consider whether remote students can complete an experiential component of your course independently and then engage in structured reflection. You might ask: what was their process, how and why did they make particular choices, how did they revise their original idea, etc. They might also analyze their work using a critical framework from your course. Students’ individual reflections can be exchanged over email or on Blackboard or Canvas for peer comments.

| Cal Poly Pomona
Consider these tool suggestions and how they can be used in a variety of disciplines:

  • Have your students record their student-generated content (ex: performances, cooking examples, speeches, etc.) and upload it to YouTube for review, discussion, and [critique] with the instructor and the rest of the students. When uploading videos to YouTube mark them as “unlisted” and put the link in your Blackboard course shell. Our Learning Technologies page . Disciplines that might be able to use this tool include: Instrumental, Vocal, Performing Arts, Student Generated Content, Cooking.
  • Use to have your students create simple infographics, stories, and animated videos. Have your students use it to create web pages that tell a story using Spark Page, develop compelling video stories using Spark Video, and design infographics using template-based graphics in Spark Post. Students can log in using their CPP bronco ID and select what type of project they need. Examples of disciplines that might be able to use this tool include: Photography, Cooking, and Environmental Design.

Provides a compendium of openly licensed materials related to studio art and music disciplines.

Click here for resources on Studio Art
Click here for resources on