

2019 M.O.S.T. State Summit

Co-hosted by the , the second ϡȱ Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) State Summit on open educational resources (OER) built on the first M.O.S.T. Summit held in December 2017.  The focus was on strategically building capacity within and across ϡȱ higher education institutions to increase access, affordability, and achievement for students through the incorporation of OER into teaching practice.  This Summit was ideally suited for institutions wishing to send a team of individuals charged with making OER adoptions strategic, sustainable, and impactful at their institution.  Learn more about the M.O.S.T. State Summit and the topics that were featured.


Maritime Conference Center
692 Maritime Blvd
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090


Tuesday, May 28, 2019
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.



Program Overview

To view the full details of the program, click on the "Download the Program" button.


7:45 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

WELCOME AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS | MJ Bishop, Associate Vice Chancellor and Director, William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, ϡȱ

8:30 a.m. - 8:40 a.m.

Gerry Hanley, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Technology Services, and Executive Director, MERLOT, Office of the Chancellor, The California State University System

Resource: G. Hanley PPT;

8:40 a.m. - 9:25 a.m.

Accelerate Your OER Initiative: Lessons Learned from California State University System’s Affordable Learning Solutions Program
How can higher education institutions develop strategies and build capacity to increase access, affordability, and achievement for students through the incorporation of open educational resources into teaching practice? In this keynote address, Gerry Hanley will discuss the evolution of the California State University System’s Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) initiative and how AL$ strategies have engaged faculty, administrators, libraries, and bookstores to put innovations into practice. He will share tools and exemplary practices that ϡȱ higher education institutions can customize for their local contexts and accelerate their implementation of “textbook” affordability programs for students’ success.


9:25 a.m. - 9:40 a.m.


9:40 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.

Designing and Implementing an OER Initiative | Susan Biro, Online Learning Coordinator, University of ϡȱ, Baltimore County; David Buck, Professor of English, Howard Community College; Deborah Grayson, Vice Provost, Learning Design and Experience, University of ϡȱ University College; and Gerry Hanley, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Technology Services and Executive Director, MERLOT, Office of the Chancellor, The California State University System

For institutions beginning to develop their OER strategic plan, this session will focus on using OER as a way to increase access, affordability, and achievement for students. Session facilitators will lead institutions through a self-assessment of their OER work to date and provide guidance on strategically developing an implementation strategy, including stakeholder analysis and communications, awareness building on the affordances of OER, and faculty support for course redesign, pedagogical innovation, and continuous quality improvement.

Taking Your Institution’s Strategic Implementation of OER to the Next Level | Fiona Glade, Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Studies, University of Baltimore, and Michael Mills, Vice President, E-Learning, Innovation, and Teaching Excellence, Montgomery College

For institutions that have strategically developed and are implementing an OER initiative, this session will help institutions assess their readiness to take their initiative to the next level. Learn how institutions have aligned and incorporated OER initiatives into their broader institutional goals and strategies to increase student success, and supported the development of OER pathways and Z-degrees.

Creating the Infrastructure to Support Institutional OER Initiatives | David “Forrest” Caskey, Assistant Professor, Academic Literacies, Anne Arundel Community College; Lindsay Inge Carpenter, Pedagogy Librarian, University of ϡȱ, College Park; Stephen Miller, Associate Vice Provost, Library, University of ϡȱ University College; Karen Rege, Dean, Teaching, Learning and Innovation, Harford Community College; and Cynthia Steinhoff, Director of the Library, Anne Arundel Community College

Learn how institutions in ϡȱ are building the capacity to support faculty and staff in using OER. This session will cover topics such as digital rights and accessibility compliance services, support for high-quality OER curation and discoverability, and the role of libraries and bookstores.

Using an ROI Lens to Create Sustainability for OER | Donna Desrochers, Associate, and Rick Staisloff, Senior Partner, both of rpk GROUP

Learn about adopting a return on investment (ROI) approach to create sustainable OER programs. This session will cover topics such as how to define, measure, and apply ROI concepts to OER, and also identify the components of a sustainability framework for OER. Attendees will explore the latest data on ROI, review methods for calculating ROI at their institution, and discuss how returns can be reinvested to scale OER and support future institutional innovation.


10:40 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.

| Lucy Harrison, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Library Services, and Executive Director, GALILEO, University System of Georgia

Resources: L. Harrison PPT;

10:50 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.

Scaling Up Affordability and Student Success Through OER

The University System of Georgia (USG) established the Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) initiative to promote student success by supporting the implementation of affordable alternatives to expensive textbooks as part of USG’s goal to make higher education more effective, accessible, and affordable in Georgia. Join Lucy Harrison to learn how USG is supporting OER adoption and creation; implementing strategic initiatives to scale up system-wide; and measuring the impact of OER across the state.


11:35 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.


11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Join colleagues from across the state in networking around topics of common interest.


12:30 p.m. - 12:40 p.m.


12:40 p.m. - 1:40 p.m.

Participants will network with others in similar roles across the state to share implementation, support, and assessment efforts for strategic, sustainable, and impactful OER adoptions. These interactive discussions are targeted by attendee role: faculty; librarians; and instructional designers, technologists, and center for teaching and learning staff.

Faculty Roundtable Discussion | Scott Roberts, Acting Executive Director, Teaching & Learning Transformation Center, and Senior Lecturer, University of ϡȱ, College Park; and Philip Terry-Smith, Assistant Dean for Social Sciences, Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies, School of Liberal Arts, Anne Arundel Community CollegeRoom A300

Librarian Roundtable Discussion | Cynthia Steinhoff, Director of the Library, Anne Arundel Community College

Instructional Designer, Technologist, and Center for Teaching and Learning Staff Roundtable Discussion | MJ Bishop, Associate Vice Chancellor and Director, William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, ϡȱ


1:40 p.m. - 1:55 p.m.


1:55 p.m. - 2:55 p.m.

Introducing M.O.S.T. OER Commons to Support Your OER Adoption, Creation, and Collaboration Needs | Susan Biro, Online Learning Coordinator, University of ϡȱ, Baltimore County; Melinda Boland, Director, OER Services, ISKME; and Melissa Goldberg, Vice President, edBridge Partners

To support the discoverability of openly licensed content, communities of practice, and OER quality and content review across ϡȱ higher education institutions, M.O.S.T. has launched M.O.S.T. OER Commons, an OER platform that connects users to OER adapted and created by ϡȱ faculty. Join this session for a demonstration of M.O.S.T. OER Commons and learn how faculty, staff, and institutions can leverage the site to best support their OER initiatives.

M.O.S.T. Statewide OER Services | MJ Bishop, Associate Vice Chancellor and Director, William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, ϡȱ, and Deepak Shenoy, Principal, Deep Consulting

What resources, services, and infrastructure do ϡȱ higher education institutions need in order to support long-term, statewide scaling and sustainability of fully accessible, openly licensed course materials? Join this session to share your thoughts on how M.O.S.T. can play a role in supporting institutions across the state in sustaining OER initiatives that impact student success.

Teaching with OER and Continuous Quality Improvement | Norman Bier, Director of the Open Learning Initiative and Executive Director of the Simon Initiative, Carnegie Mellon University; Nancy O’Neill, Associate Director, William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, ϡȱ; and Karen Rege, Dean, Teaching, Learning and Innovation, Harford Community College

Learn how the 5Rs of OER, when combined with data analytics, can be used to create a student-centered learning experience, pedagogical innovation, and continuous quality improvement of course materials. Explore the possibilities OER offers in reimagining student interactions with their course materials and faculty engagement with their teaching materials.

Creating and Publishing OER | Allison Brown, Digital Publishing Services Manager, Milne Library, SUNY Geneseo, and Lucy Harrison, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Library Services, and Executive Director of GALILEO, University System of Georgia

What strategies can support the development and publication of new open textbooks in courses without existing OER? Hear how two higher education systems have created an infrastructure for supporting faculty creation of OER; engaged faculty as peer reviewers; and provided publishing services for openly licensed textbooks.


2:55 p.m. - 3:05 p.m.


3:05 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

Institutions will be paired together to discuss successes and challenges of their OER initiatives, share effective practices, and consider next steps in advancing the sustainability of their OER initiatives.


3:50 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

| MJ Bishop, Associate Vice Chancellor and Director, William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, ϡȱ

Attendees will share lessons learned and next steps, and discuss how the M.O.S.T. initiative can support their OER work at the institutional and statewide level.

Gerry Hanley
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Technology Services, and Executive Director, MERLOT
Office of the Chancellor, The California State University System

Gerry Hanley, Ph.D., is the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Technology Services and the Executive Director of MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) for the California State University (CSU), Office of the Chancellor. Gerry oversees systemwide academic technology initiatives including digital library services, course redesign with technology, affordable learning solutions, accessible technology, and Cal State Online. At MERLOT, he directs the development and sustainability of the international consortium and technology strategy to provide open educational services to improve teaching and learning. Gerry’s previous positions include professor of psychology, director of faculty development, and director of strategy planning at CSU, Long Beach.

Lucy Harrison
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Library Services, and Executive Director, GALILEO
University System of Georgia

Lucy Harrison is the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Library Services for the University System of Georgia, and the Executive Director of GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library. The Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) program, a University System of Georgia initiative that is run through GALILEO, has saved college students in Georgia over $40 million and is helping to increase student success across the state.


The second ϡȱ Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) State Summit on open educational resources (OER) built on the first M.O.S.T. Summit held in December 2017.  Co-hosted by the Congress of Academic Library Directors (CALD) of ϡȱ, the focus was on strategically building capacity within and across ϡȱ higher education institutions to increase access, affordability, and achievement for students through the incorporation of OER into teaching practice.

If you are new to OER, join us at one of the M.O.S.T. Regional OER Forums to get an introduction to OER and to find resources for adopting and scaling OER.
